
Top Weapon in Need of Adjustments Identified by Professional Gamers

Creating a fair playing field in online multiplayer games is an ongoing challenge for game developers. With the constant introduction of new gear and evolving strategies, maintaining a balance where all items are equally useful is crucial. An imbalance can harm the gaming experience, pushing players towards a single dominant strategy to stay competitive. The Finals faces similar challenges, but Season 2 seems to have achieved a good balance, enhancing the overall gaming experience for its community.

Discussions among players on Reddit focus on game balance in The Finals, particularly in Season 2. The consensus is that most weapons are well-tuned, except for one that stands out as overly potent. The FCAR, an assault rifle favored by Medium build characters, is currently considered the strongest weapon. It has a limited ammunition capacity of only 20 rounds but offsets this with low recoil and high damage output, making it a formidable choice for accurate shooters. With a Damage-Per-Second (DPS) rating of 225, the FCAR enables quick elimination of foes.

Community feedback indicates that the FAMAS might benefit from a slight improvement. Giving it one additional burst of ammunition could address situations where players almost defeat an opponent but run out of bullets. Moreover, while the Revolver is deemed a challenging weapon for controller users, players using a keyboard and mouse consider it a top-tier option.

Regardless of your playstyle, The Finals offers a wide range of weapons and gear setups to suit all preferences. For players looking for optimized equipment combinations, we recommend checking out our specialized guides for the best Light, Medium, and Heavy builds in The Finals.

Image Source: Arsenii Palivoda @ShutterStock

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